% LagrangePoints_regen.input % Equilibria for a 3rd small body rotating with two large % ones in circular orbit % Use regeneration instead of a basic 3-homogeneous homotopy CONFIG UseRegeneration:1; END; INPUT function fma1,fma2,dist13,dist23,fma3x,fma3y; % definition: w = omega^2 d12^3/(G m2) % The remaining variables are nondimensionalized as % ratio to d12. variable_group w; variable_group r1; variable_group x,y,d13,d23; constant mu; % choose value for the mass ratio mu = 9; % the following eliminates r2 r2 = 1-r1; % f=ma on mass 1 fma1 = w*r1 - 1; % f=ma on mass 2 fma2 = w*r2 - mu; % distance m1 to m3 dist13 = (x-r1)^2 + y^2 - d13^2; % distance m2 to m3 dist23 = (x+r2)^2 + y^2 - d23^2; % f=ma on m3 a = w*d13^3*d23^3; b1 = mu*d23^3; b2 = d13^3; fma3x = a*x + b1*(r1-x) + b2*(-r2-x); fma3y = a*y + b1*(-y) + b2*(-y); END;